
Usually, four eyes see more than two. That’s why every ori­gi­nal text and trans­la­ti­on needs proofrea­ding and editing. Science text­books and non-fic­tion books often inclu­de an index. Therefore, I also pro­vi­de ser­vice in proofrea­ding, indexing and editing.

Proofreading and Indexing (Selection)

Winfried Scharlau: Das Glück, Mathematiker zu sein. Springer Spektrum, 2017

Michael Ruhrländer: Brückenkurs Mathematik. Pearson Studium, 2016

Steven Weinberg: Quantenmechanik. Pearson Studium, 2015

Robert Sedgewick and Kevin Wayn: Einführung in die Programmierung mit Java. Pearson Studium, 2011

A com­ple­te over­view of the books that I have proofread can be found at References.


During proofrea­ding, I check not only spel­ling and grammar to Duden recom­men­da­ti­on but also unify spel­ling, cor­rect the hyphe­na­ti­on and check all cross-refe­ren­ces and lists pre­sent in the docu­ment.


An important fea­ture of a good sci­en­ti­fic text­book or non-fic­tion book is a clear index. I check pre­sent index ent­ries, insert new index ent­ries accord­ing to your key­word list or crea­te a new index.


In addi­ti­on to proofrea­ding, I also pro­vi­de editing. Then, I exami­ne the text accord­ing to lin­gu­is­tic, fac­tu­al and for­mal cri­te­ria and make sug­ges­ti­ons for impro­ve­ment. A most essen­ti­al issue is defi­ning the tar­get audi­ence of the text. This implies the fol­lo­wing ques­ti­ons: Are the phra­ses ade­qua­te, are for­eign words and ter­mi­no­lo­gy used cor­rect­ly? In which pla­ces text should be added or does the text need to be shor­ten­ed? Finally, you deci­de to what extent the editing will take place.